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Jayrassic Park

It's a jungle out there! Our Hosta Haven has been invaded by dinosaurs. So, we have renamed it Jayrassic Park.  Currently the dinosaur population includes a tyrannosaurus, a brachiosaurus, a triceratops, a pteranodon and a velociraptor.  

With over 3000 hosta cultivars coming in various sizes and colors, we have dedicated a whole garden to these beautiful early leafy bloomers. But it’s not just us who love them; they are the number one selling perennial in the US. They are rather expensive compared to other perennials showing that people are willing to spend more for them. Gardeners plant them because they provide tropical foliage to the landscape and come in many colors and shapes. They also are a reliable plant for shady locations. Jayrassic Park contains over 3000 hosta plants started from bare root and raised in our hoop house. With over 400 varieties, the hosta haven has become a destination for hosta lovers including organizations dedicated to them.

Hosta links:


Click HERE for a list of our hosta plants.